Sunday, November 14, 2010


  November 14, 2010

Yesterday morning I woke up and received a text from Marvine! She asked if 10 am was okay to come get me!

10 am rolled around and I jumped in the car with Marvine, Janine and her boyfriend Iain. Sherryl packed us a lunch and everything to go for Addo Elephant National Park!

Unfortunately, Melody is sick and could not come! I hope she starts to feel better.  I have not had any symptoms yet but the whole family has been through it!

We stopped at the ATM and picked up a few “cool drinks” aka juices, coke and waters.  We began our adventure to Addo. I think it was like an hour drive? It didn’t seem long with all the chat and laughter…I honestly had no concept of time yesterday.

We got to the park and you just drive your own car right through! We rode in Marvine’s Audi Coupe, which perhaps not what you think you’d take to drive through an elephant park, I am just glad nothing happened to it! After we paid at the entrance we stopped at the gift shops and looked around and headed on our way.  I am not sure what we would have done without Iain driving and navigating, he did so well!

There is definitely a reason why they call it Addo ELEPHANT Park! I saw herds and herds of elephants! Eating, walking and having a mud bath!

Addo Elephant National Park

Deep within the shadows of the dense valley bushveld of the Sundays River region of the Eastern Cape lies the Addo Elephant National Park. Here, the evenings are punctuated by the strident howl of the black-backed jackal, and the francolin's call heralds each new dawn. Safe from relentless persecution in the past, the grey leviathans of the bush now roam in peace.

The original Elephant section of the park was proclaimed in 1931, when only eleven elephants remained in the area - today this finely tuned ecosystem is sanctuary to over 450 elephants, Cape buffalo, black rhino, a variety of antelope species, as well as the unique flightless dung beetle, found almost exclusively in Addo. And their Addo has only just begun. with plans to expand the 164 000 ha Addo National Elephant Park into a 360 000 ha mega-park. In addition, plans include the proposed proclamation of a 120 000 ha (296 500 acre) marine reserve that includes islands that are home to the world's largest breeding populations of Cape gannets and second largest breeding population of African penguins.

 Please enjoy the pictures, but it does not show entirely how great of a time I had!! :) 


 Wart hog!

I took so many more photos but it takes sooooo long to upload them it is very time-comsuming! Please seek my facebook page if we are friends for more pictures!

After the elephant park we took a gravel road to a home-made pie and pastry place where we enjoyed some good treats! 

We headed back to PE and Janine invited us to a friend of her's home for a dart competition... Me thinking I am decent at darts, agrees and poor Marvine was stuck with me for a partner! Sorry!! We came in dead last in the competition! While there we enjoyed a braai, which is like a bbq and headed home later in the evening!

It was a great long day full of so many activities, today I spent the day lounging and getting pictures up! Back to school tomorrow! 

Thanks for following!

Miss Godmar

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