Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting Settled

This weekend was spent getting settled in my room and purchasing groceries.  The two other GVSU girls and myself have all pitched in and buy food and what-not together.  None of us are too picky of eaters so it should work out okay. 

We walked to the grocery store yesterday but first went to the beach! It is only about a ten minute walk to the ocean! It was overcast and began to down-pour once we reached the beach! We got soaked! We took cover in the local grocery store and stocked up on some food! We carried all the groceries back which was quite the task, but not too bad! We have to eat! 
It is difficult just arriving and figuring out a new city.  I don't feel acclimated yet, but with my first day of school tomorrow I think I will start to get used to everything.  We don't have a car and there really is not much public transit in our general area.  We are more in the suburbs of PE and it really isn't safe to walk anywhere at night, even in a group.  We took a taxi to go out last night, and Jeanine will take us to and from school everyday.  I need to figure out a way to see more of the city, I am hoping to meet people at school tomorrow that can shed some light on must-sees while I am here! 

Today, I have not had much to do, I have become a little homesick and missing a lot of people today! Hoping the start of a routine tomorrow will take my mind off that!

Here are some more pictures! Enjoy!

Our Guard Dogs, who also wake us up with barking in the morning

The outdoor patio with our clothesline and our flat to the left

The wall that is around the entire property complete with electric fence

My new 'home' for 2 months 

Another homes scary spiked electric fence!

The beach on a very overcast rainy day
Downtown PE Straight Ahead

The local grocery store, Pick and Pay

The ocean! We saw two dolphins swimming here!
Lindsey, Me, & Anna
All GVSU COST Students and my flatmates
Our first night out in PE
Local restaurant on the water called Barney's

Aren't these pictures wonderful! I took them on my new camera from my parents that I got for an early birthday present! My birthday is Wednesday! 

Take care and thanks for the comments! :)


Miss G


  1. You are going to have a fantastic week at school! Love you!

  2. I love your pictures Kelly! I was surprised by the electric fences. I must say I love the chairs made of tires! I hope your first week goes fabulously! Love and miss you!
